Against boredom

Here are some tips against boredom:

1. You can go outside with friends (when the weather isn't nice you can make a movie night with some friends)

2. You can read a nice book (I read game of thrones and I love it! Also I can recommened Top Secret or Snoopy comics)

3.You can paint something (maybe a Snoopy XD)

4. You can hear music!

5. You can tidy up your room.(I know this is not so nice but the room after cleaning looks maybe really nice)

6. Make sports!(At home : Hear some music and seach workouts on youtube or try the App '7 minutes workout')

7.Learn a new language! (This point is my favorite! I love it to learn new things !)

8.Try some DIYs!

9.Play a videogame!

10.Make a beautyday!